Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just For Fun

Oh sometimes there are things found in hunt gifts that are just too fun not to  show... so last night I was digging through the hunt goodies and I set out a box of a table called the last supper .. Locke saw it first  and started to laugh so we too it to the house and  and set it out and he took pics I will  post them because yeah it was fun....a romantic dinner gone horribly wrong... though as I asked him  how did this happen  did Mir  stab Locke in the back then he mustered enough strength to throw a knife and hit her in the chest before he drew his last breath? I suppose one may never know :P  I do know he perhaps shouldn't have had that 4th glass of wine and perhaps Mir shouldn't have  cooked? What might make this  even more of a momentous occasion is that Locke actually left the sim.. yes folks he went off the sim  and  to a store to  look at other items made by the creator of the table.. please do not clean your glasses or adjust your screen it's true, I witnessed it.  He is saved from having his fishing pole taken away by Guen for a few days more.

Table Set-[noctis]'The Last Supper' Zombie Popcorn Hunt Gift

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